"we have all witnessed and experienced regeneration with simple cuts and minor injuries, as pictured in the picture of a knee scrape after falling "

Regeneration is the process of anabolism, building up molecules, cells and tissue. In the adult body it is equal to restoration, or approaching the original form. The antonym (opposite) is catabolism, which is the process referring to breaking down of macro(large)-molecules, cells and tissue.

Regeneration is a normal part of everything that is living. It is the process through which repair and healing occurs, and we have all witnessed and experienced this with simple cuts and minor injuries, as pictured in the picture of a knee scrape after falling. Without regeneration we would surely die at a very young age. The process of regeneration is similar to generation, as in the formation of a living body, the difference being that regeneration is restoration to the original matured developed form or close to it.

Less obvious is the fact that such processes, as regeneration, occur every moment of our life, even though we are unaware of them. The process is still occurring, and does not cease until death. Unfortunately regeneration slows down as people (and other living things) age.

Age is not the only determining factor regarding the efficacy ( capacity and power) and speed with which regeneration can occur at a particular point in the body and in life. Age is also the least problematic if a person is healthy!

Other more important factors than age that impair or reduce the capacity of the body to regenerate are:

  • Local disease in a particular part of the body (e.g.. local fungal infection),
  • Blood circulation problems and vascular disease (as occur in diseases such as diabetes and heart disease),
  • Blood disorders (such as haemophilia and leukaemia)
  • Hormonal dis-regulation or problems
  • Prolonged mental and psychological stress or anxiety (e.g. – Fear and stress will increase certain hormones (cortisol) that increase catabolism and reduce regeneration and healing)
  • Diet, nutrition, vitamins, minerals etc. (Since regeneration is constructive, the body needs good ingredients to build with. E.g. lack of vitamin C leads to impaired regeneration)
  • Personal lifestyle choices such as over-consumption of alcohol, smoking and drug abuse also alter the body’s ability and capacity to regenerate.
  • Prescription And Over The Counter Drugs