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Platelet Rich Plasma -PRP-
& GFOR for Hair Loss,
Anti-age & Wrinkle Reduction.

  • Activate Growth !End the “hibernation phase” (telogen), and activate the growth phase (anagen) of your “sleeping” hair follicles.

  • Avoid & prevent degeneration Slow down hair falling out, hair thinning & hair shedding rate.

  • Facilitate the health & condition of your scalp & hair: without the need for drugs and harsh chemicals. PRP-GFOR will normalise both oily and dry skin, regenerating and remodelling the underlying structure of the scalp. Just compare the before and 4 week after scalp images of the 55 year old male pictured here.

  • obviate, reduce and eliminate the need for daily drugs that will cause long term side effects and cause disease (including cancer, depression and low energy!)
  • Regenerate & regrow thinning hair fuller, thicker & healthier. The process employed in PRP-GFOR is the way your own body triggers regeneration & this is exactly the way your body heals itself.


After 3rd GFOR

PRP For Hair Loss

To compare our results, and understand our synergistic approach please see this link – GFOR Hair Growth.

Make sure you check out the rest of the information on this page too, it contains information about the difference in “quick and easy” vs Preeminent GFOR, and the links to prices. Sign up here to be in the draw for a free Preeminent Regenerative procedure.


In this brief article we will examine what has become known as PRP or platelet rich plasma treatment for hair loss. I will state from the beginning that there is a “quick and easy” method as well as a more advanced method that takes MUCH more TIME! Read on.

Hair loss and hair thinning can be a painful realisation for many men and women. The majority of people that start to lose their hair, and notice it thinning are by far men. Hair thinning for men can start as early as 20 years of age, and this can affect up to 20% of men at this early age. The remainder of men, are affected at approximately 10% per decade thereafter. Thus by the age of 50, approximately 50% of men will have varying degree of male pattern baldness.

If you would like to know more about why men are affected by hair loss at such a great rate, please watch this presentation here > androgenetic alopecia.

What is PRP- Platelet Rich Plasma?

PRP is a product that is made from your own blood. You must understand that PRP is “tailor-made” by your own body for your own body.

Unlike dangerous drugs that can influence hair growth, PRP does not come with any harmful side effects. In fact, it has many amazing abilities to regenerate not only your skin (anti ageing , wrinkle reduction, scar reduction) but also your hair, making it thicker, darker, stronger and increasing hair number, thus preventing your hair from thinning and falling out.

The PRP itself is also excellent at healing infections, and stimulating local immune function to restore health to skin and hair damaged by pathogenic bacteria causing




How Is PRP Made? The Preeminent Difference!




Now that you know a little about what PRP does, we will briefly look at how it is prepared, and where it comes from.

PRP, or platelet rich plasma, as the name suggests, is the plasma from your blood. The plasma is what remains once the red blood cells have been removed from your blood, and thus the red colour of blood is gone from plasma as well. The remaining part is a yellow fluid that contains the smaller platelets and a variety of growth factors and other biologically active molecules.

The separation process is achieved by using a centrifuge, which spins the blood in a tube causing the heavier red blood cells to settle to the bottom, leaving the plasma and platelets on top as a yellow fraction. This is purely plasma.

Plasma is not PRP! PRP as the name suggests, is plasma that is enriched with platelets. To gain an enrichment, there are a few more steps involved. Some do not understand this, and thus they have inferior results. This is the “quick and easy” version or “PRP”. This quick and easy version takes about 5 minutes to separate your red blood cells, and then the plasma is simply injected into your scalp or skin! It is quick and easy, and the results are not up to Preeminent standards. Also please note that in order to truly get PRP, you need more than ONE TUBE for areas above a specific size! Otherwise they are just giving u “plasma” not PRP!

The other method is more complicated and requires up to 1/1/2 hours to complete, but the results are worth it. Compare out 3rd treatment result of what we call GFOR – Growth Factor Originated Regeneration, on a 55 year old man that started losing his hair 30 years ago! He is our worst case scenario, but his results are better than our friends that use the “quick and easy” “PRP” on men in their early twenties! This man did not take any supplements, or make any dietary changes. This is the power of GFOR + the synergistic methods combined alone we are witnessing.

You have to understand that as people age, their capacity to regenerate is reduced, thus our result on this 55 year old man is outstanding and beyond comparison. We achieved better results for this older man with male patter baldness, than our competitors can attain on men half his age! Just think about that for a minute.

The “quick and easy PRP” is good for cramming in as many clients in a day as humanly possible, and getting them out the door ASAP! This is not what we at Preeminent aim for. We aim to get the job done right with minimal procedures to our clients!

GFOR Timing & Prices

We recommend at least 4 initial procedures, and then a maintenance procedure every 4-6 months.

One last thing, our GFOR is combined with synergistic treatments (Which you should have seen at the bottom of the page here) that will amplify the results of the growth factors from your blood. We also recommend a more holistic approach to treating your hair loss, which includes some recommendations for diet, and natural plant supplements which will work to further reduce the cause of male pattern baldness.

This is not your regular supplement list, the combination of which will result in better results. (The 55 year old male mentioned above, did not take any supplements or dietary changes- that result was purely the power of GFOR!)

How much do you pay for this superior GFOR and all the synergistic treatments combined?

If you need a free no obligation initial up front plan, just complete the form (in the links)  and attach an image of the problem area and we will email you back our professional recommendation. Don’t forget to sign up to our members area (can be done in blue form above) to gain access to our free referral program & member prices.

You can contact us, send an image, and see our price list here.



Down time?

The discomfort associated with the procedure is minimal. People can go back to work the next day, as there is no down time associated. The skin can appear red and flushed for the next 24 hours, and some bruising and swelling may be associated with the sites of injection. You are asked not to wash your hair till the next day.

Thank you for your valuable time and reading this valuable information- you are welcome to have a look around!