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Platelet Rich Plasma -PRP-
& GFOR for Hair Loss,
Anti-age & Wrinkle Reduction.

  • Activate Growth !End the “hibernation phase” (telogen), and activate the growth phase (anagen) of your “sleeping” hair follicles.

  • Avoid & prevent degeneration Slow down hair falling out, hair thinning & hair shedding rate.

  • Facilitate the health & condition of your scalp & hair: without the need for drugs and harsh chemicals. PRP-GFOR will normalise both oily and dry skin, regenerating and remodelling the underlying structure of the scalp. Just compare the before and 4 week after scalp images of the 55 year old male pictured here.

  • obviate, reduce and eliminate the need for daily drugs that will cause long term side effects and cause disease (including cancer, depression and low energy!)
  • Regenerate & regrow thinning hair fuller, thicker & healthier. The process employed in PRP-GFOR is the way your own body triggers regeneration & this is exactly the way your body heals itself.


After 3rd GFOR

Men with Hair vs bald men and what women think


Before you read the answers take this quick poll!


Bald Men vs Men With Hair - select only the ones YOU think are true

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Ladies tell us what you think- what do you prefer- bald or not? Click here to vote!


We ask the question- Does hair matter to women? Do women (and people in general) find bald men more attractive? Is a dominant man more attractive?

Conversely do men with thinning hair, in the process of going bald have anything to worry about when it comes to how women perceive them?

Some say yes, some say no, some say maybe. What about science, what does it have to say on this matter?

Well, apparently men that shave the hair on their heads are perceived by woman as more dominant. Confidence is awarded either to shaved scalps or men with hair, not thinning or men going bald.  Leadership scores want to tilt towards the shaved men but the results in the studies were not able to demonstrate a statistical difference compared to men with full heads of hair (see below)*. Strength was associated with men with shaved heads as was masculinity!

We have come to associate these qualities as desirable in the modern society, but does that mean that these men are also more attractive?

On the one hand, these men with shaved heads, are perceived to have more desirable qualities, and thus would appear to be more attractive judging by those qualities. On the other hand, the people who gave the responses (mainly women, but also included men in some studies) found the men with thick full hair to be more attractive.

Thus we have attractiveness on two different levels. One on how they are perceived psychologically with a shaved head, that is also something society can program, and two how they actually appear to the eye on the level of pure aesthetics.

Here are some snippets from the actual studies:

So in conclusion, it appears that men going thin in the hair department need to do something about it!

Either shave your heads and become the dominant, masculine Hercules (was Hercules bald?- I will have another page for this), In which case your personality should match!

Or otherwise send us a picture, of your thinning hair and we will advise what we can do to help stop that thinning hair and grow back more of your own hair naturally!

If you had to remember one important fact about male pattern baldness it is this: Hair = 1/time ; or, hair is inversely proportional to time!

Do not let time go by if you have male pattern baldness! Act as soon as you notice hair thinning!

Do not wait till you are 55 years old! The more time passes (greater Time in equation), without you doing anything, the more hair will fall out (smaller hair in equation), and the balder you will look sooner.

If you have not already had a look at the results we can obtain (from an exemplary 55 year old male with male pattern baldness), you can view the results here!

Show me the 55 year old male with pattern baldness before and after

If we can achieve this for a 55 year old male that had lost most his hair in that area, there is still hope for all you younger guys just starting to lose your hair!

On a side note, can propecia help? Not without some statistically significant health problems, please see this article about propecia side effects and male patter baldness.

If you want to know more about male pattern baldness and what is thought to be causing it, see this presentation on male pattern baldness and its potential cause.

I say potential, because most people have no idea what causes male pattern baldness (Your local doctor is included in “most” people, sorry doc!)

Take the poll

Do You Prefer BALD or NOT?

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  • the “p Value” in the data above represents the probability that the results are due to chance alone, or some other factor. In other words a p value of 0.05 = 5% probability (0.05 x 100). This means that 5% of the time, 5 times out of 100, we expect to see this result due to chance alone. A significant result is one with a p value less than or equal to 0.05 (less than or equal to 5%).  If the p value is 0.882 (as in table 1 for agreeableness), it means that 88.2% of the time we expect to see this by chance alone. That means this study failed to demonstrate statistical significance for this particular result/trait, thus it could be due to chance alone, and not anything of importance.
  • Agreeableness is a personality trait manifesting itself in individual behavioral characteristics that are perceived as kind, sympathetic, cooperative, warm and considerate.